Apalachin Community Press, September 2000

At the Apalachin Library

719 East Main Street, Apalachin, New York 13727 (607) 625-3333 Hours: Mon, Wed, and Fri 2-6 pm; Tues and Thurs 10am-1pm & 6:30-8:30pm

Thank You

Thank you, Apalachin, for supporting the library at the Annual Ice Cream Social, Book Sale, & Concert last month. Thank you to Mr. Fabricius, Mr. Kearney, and the musicians of Owego-Apalachin for the wonderful concert. Thank you to the dozens of volunteers who helped sell books and ice cream. Finally, thank you to the businesses that helped fund our social and especially to the Apalachin Fire Department for the use of their facility and equipment.

Annual Bottle Drive

The Friends of the Apalachin Library is collecting deposit bottles and cans. If those returnables are stacking up at your house, drop them off in the collection box on the library's porch anytime. Collections will continue through the month of September.

Hold Those Books

The library is taking a small break from collecting used book donations. Please call at the end of September if you have used books you would like to donate to the library. Please do not leave books on the front porch.

Summer Reading

Congratulations to the 83 students who participated in the summer reading club. Students in the club earned prizes each week for reading on a regular basis. They also earned a chance for a reading club T-shirt. The T-shirt winners are: Daniel Basselgia, Katie Sorce, Vicki Armstrong, Rebekah McFadden, Caitlin Dwyer, and Sara Goodwin.