Apalachin Community Press - April 2000

Annie's Corner by Anne O. Stout

Credit Judgement

Every store, car dealer, bank, whatever offers to give you credit, let you make payments. Buy now, pay later!

All these expenditures, these daily debts if you will, incurred to fulfill your dreams are carefully kept track of and logged to your ever vigilant credit line.

From the moment you carry a debt the credit check is with you, like your shadow. Trouble is the credit check is kept track of by computers, (who supposedly never make mistakes) operated by people (who are not perfect and do).

Henceforth I submit, once a credit check showed two credit accounts, two credit cards which I never had. First I am asked if I am sure. Duh, all middle class families have so many credit cards we lose track? Then they tell me how to write and inform the credit bureau about their mistake. Does this make any sense to you?

Another credit check showed two car payments which actually was the same one. Guess the credit bureau did not get the letter about the two banks merging.

In my quest to understand the credit judgement, as I call it, I learned a friend of mine who had to take bankruptcy can get credit again after two years. Is this true? If so why am I still being questioned for late payments occurring two years ago while my husband was on disability.

By the way if you or your spouse are ever ill and on disability, let the creditors know. I suffered and struggled in silence, figuring it was my problem, and I am still paying for it.

My question is why doesn't the credit judgement ever look at old debts like all the vehicles we have owned and paid off, or the furniture we made payments on and paid off, or even how well we pay the utility bills?

Also, it seems fairly simple to mess up your credit, but a whole lot more complicated to straighten it. My mailbox is filled with creditors willing to put us deeper in debt, another credit card, refinance, home equity loans, and on and one. Sure, they will loan me more money so I can answer for even more credit.

Remember though no mistakes, no late payments, no excuses, no life crisis; the credit judgement is watching.