
by Terry J. Ward

I think we've covered the fact that I'm no political mastermind, but I have to say - who's running Hillary Clinton's campaign? And why don't they like her?

Now, I really can't comment upon the marriage aspect. Plenty of smart women are crazy about men that are of questionable marriage material. So, she's human. Obviously, old Billy boy has some charm (how else would he get into so much trouble?). Who am I to judge?

However, why New York State? I mean, come on, we at least like the veneer of thinking that our political candidates have some attachment to their constituencies. I suppose that you could at least look at this philosophically and say that a politician should be able to serve whoever elects them. Fair enough. Sort of interchangeably - like LEGOS. And granted - BIG politicians have all kinds of aides to tell them about the region, but honestly, wouldn't you rather vote for somebody who actually lived in your state for a few years?

To be a politician is to be ambitious. The two words are almost synonymous. However, the real difference is how this ambition is displayed. Subtle ambition is much more palatable. It's like a woman (or man, for that matter) who marries for money - you may not have a problem with it, you may even admire the concept, but you don't want it flaunted in your face like so much dirty linen. New York State is a launching pad. To become governor is almost to be given an engraved invitation to run for president. State senator is the apprenticeship. Better watch out, Hillary, your slip is showing.

I'm not trying to insult Southerners or Midwesterners, but having lived in the south for a short time, even I have recognized a vast difference in the way people think in these regions. What plays at the Rialto in Little Rock, will bomb in Binghamton.

I admire Hillary Clinton a great deal. She has exhibited grace under pressure - a commodity that is sorely lacking in society today. She's smart and she's a good mom. And I believe that she does want good things for her country. If she becomes state senator, I can only hope that she gets better advisors, perhaps ones that won't let her slip show so much.