At Our Apalachin Elementary School

by Don Davis - Your Community Representative

of the Shared Planning and Decision Making Team

Web Address Correction

I'm sorry that our Web Site address was wrong last month. Here is the correct one:

Give it a try. Cindy Smith has done a great job putting this all together. You can get news from all of our Owego-Apalachin schools. Of course, you'll like AES the best. I know I did because it had my picture in it. Thanks, Cindy!

Our Web page is also connected with The Community Press ( thanks to Fred Brown.

Once again there is a lot going on at AES. Listed below are a few special events. Please join us on Wednesday, December 9 at 7:00 pm for our Holiday Music Concert. Also, check our sign for upcoming events.

Merry Christmas to All and a Happy New Year.

From the Principal's Desk

Our second cross level team has begun their theme of Our Caring and Sharing School Community. This is always a special time of the year when

we can look inward to better understand what we have to be thankful for and reach outward to share a little with others. The turkey in the front hall is covered with feathers from families telling what each is thankful for. We are

also working with the Apalachin Lions Club to collect nonperishable food and good used and new toys for those less fortunate. The drive will take until December 16.

There are a number of other activities going on during this time of the year.

Santa's Secret Shop was open the week of November 30 - December 3.

December 4 was an early dismissal day for the students and a K-12 curriculum afternoon for the staff.

On Wednesday, December 9, at 7:00 pm, we will have our Holiday Music Concert featuring our Grade 5 students. This performance is open to the public and I encourage any and all to attend. You won't be disappointed.

December 16 will be a "Wrap Day" in conjunction with our Student Nutrition Advisory Council. This group of representatives has been sampling possible new items for the lunch menu. One of the items that has been well received is the "wrap sandwich." Prior to adding the sandwich to the menu, Mrs. Bacelli, our Supervisor of Nutritional Services, has authorized a taste testing... thus our "Wrap Day" where samples will be given out.

Our winter parties will take place on December 23 in the afternoon and school will close after a full day on December 23.

School will resume on Monday, January 4, 1999.

©1998 Apalachin Community Press