by Jane Vest

A hobby is either a time filler or a time consumer, depending on your goal. Once you have a hobby, you are caught in its web. It is not entered into lightly, requiring thought and planning. A source of supply for materials used must be found. Color and design are essential as well as a place to work undisturbed.

There are so many hobbies to choose form. Are you interested in carpentry, metal work, weaving, sewing, bird-watching?

Have you considered how to dispose of the products of your hobby? There is a limited number of those who would appreciate your gift. Is marketing the next step or is that carrying your hobby too far? Think of the deadlines to be met, the quantities to be made. There is always the garage sale.

How has your hobby affected you? Do you feel fulfilled; is there new purpose and joy in your life, a sense of accomplishment? Or does it frustrate you because you cannot achieve the perfections you once envisioned?

Perhaps the underlying purpose of a hobby is to leave our mark on the world, a kind of immortality, that we may be remembered ans so live on. It's a thought.