Tioga County's Community Press
Tioga County's Community Press, Tioga Co., NY
Some Observations From The Hill
by H. H. "Hub" Brown

 I don't know the reason but so far the Hill hasn't lived up to it's usual production of venison this fall. Tony Eastwood from Saratoga, who is the husband of one of Ag's nieces and his son and his son's wife, hunted diligently here on the farm but never saw anything to shoot at. This is unusual for Tony, normally he  takes a pretty good supply of venison back with him. 

 Anyone who has been to one of my birthday parties has met Tony for he is the one who supplies the music at those gatherings. He was formerly a music teacher in a big school on Long Island from which he retired as principal. Through his and Sandy's generosity we enjoyed a delicious meal at the Treadway. Sandy is the sister of Tony's wife Judy. 

 The first year of Ag's and my marriage we spent with Ag's folks. Mrs. Mahar rented the top apartment in the building on the corner of Beethoven and Main in Binghamton. Ag's mother and the two kids had a room, Ag and I had our room and then Ag's brother Leo, had a friend who roomed with him. So there were no dull times.  

 When Madeliene grew up she married Bob Klink who was the son of a man who was the dispatcher for the Lead Burners Union. At that time any industry that used sulphuric acid had to store it and transport it through lead lined tanks or glass demijohns or lead lined pipes. It was a very jealous trade and about the only way a new man could join the union was to have a relative intercede for him. 

 About the time Bob moved to Binghamton with his new membership in the union, plastic came into use. Apparently sulphuric acid had no affect on plastic.  I know in the Tannery where they used a lot of acid, and had been paying as much as $42 for a Monel Metal Pail all at once they could get a plastic that size for about $1.  When plastic came into use there went the trade and the union. Bob had some experience as a plumber, so he got a job as a plumber and joined their union. 

 I failed to mention that Ag's younger sisters were named Madeliene and Arlene. When Arlene grew up she became a trained nurse and married Dr, Anthony Kritkausky, and they had two girls and three boys.  The girls are Judy and Sandy, whom I often mention in my articles. The boys are Michael, who became a psychologist, and R. Peter who became a psychiatrist, and the youngest became a commercial artist.   There must have been some inherited heart trouble in some of Ag's ancestors for while her father died in a horse and buggy accident on the corner of Washington Avenue and Main Street in Endicott, her younger sister, Arlene, died of heart failure at the age of 43, and her brother Leo died of the same thing while working for the Army out in Indianapolis at age 30. This didn't seem to affect Ag's mother, who died in her 80's nor Ag who was 96 when she passed away.  

 I never actually knew of any of my ancestors that lived to be real old except my dad's youngest sister, Aunt Lou, who lived to be almost 103. I remember she worked in a bank in Pennsylvania and married a man named Smith who also worked there.  One time one of Aunt Lou's sisters was sick and Aunt Lou went to take care of her. Her husband must have thought that she had been gone long enough for he sent her a telegram with some urgent message that she must come home at once. When she got off the train, her husband and a friend stood there laughing at how soon she had minded his call. That was about the end of that marriage. I forget his name but remember it started with "T" so my mon always called him Telegraph Smith.

The Community Press
a free newspaper, published monthly,
serving the Tioga County, New York, area
Copyright 2008 Brown Enterprise and Marketing

The Tioga County Community Press,
your hometown community newspaper, 
is mailed to residents in
Apalachin, Owego, Campville, Nichols, Newark Valley, 
and Tioga Center in Tioga County, New York
and Little Meadows, PA

The Community Press is published monthly by
Brown Enterprise And Marketing 
7830 Route 434, 
Apalachin, New York 13732

Copyright 2008 Brown Enterprise and Marketing

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