Apalachin Community Press, November 2001

At Our Apalachin Elementary School
by Don Davis

New Playground
 Would you believe it? October is gone and it's already November! Our new playground opened in October with guest of honor Mr. Mosko, our former principal. Several students helped cut the ribbon of "Rocket City." 

 For the last three years, Mr. Mosko and the Parents Group have worked very hard on this project, with Scott Fairbanks, Parents Group President, leading the game plan. It's finally completed and the children love it! Stop by to see for yourself.

 The next one is being worked on and will open in the near future. Our building is looking great, with a lot more improvements to come.

Craft Fair & Chicken BBQ
 The next big event is the Parents Group Craft Fair and Chicken BBQ on November 10. The craft fair will feature at least 30 vendors and take place from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. The BBQ will take place from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm or until the check is gone. Advance tickets can be purchased at Don Davis Meats in Apalachin. There will be lots of chicken for walk-in customers. This is a once-a-year fund raiser, so please join us on Saturday, November 10, at Apalachin Elementary School. All proceeds go back to helping our students with field trips and many projects as well as helping to beautify our school grounds.

From the Principal's Desk
 The students of Apalachin Elementary School are enjoying the fall season and the many activities that accompany this time of year. Our hallways and classrooms are creeping with bats and lined with wonderfully decorated pumpkins and other projects as the children's excitement grows for the coming of Halloween.

 We are very proud of the American spirit that our students have displayed since the American tragedy of September 11. The classes have completed various American projects, written poster-sized class letters to support America, and raised over $600.00 for the American Red Cross. The staff and students of AES also participated in the National Pledge of Allegiance Ceremony on Friday, October 12, 2001. The entire school gathered around the flagpole at 1:50 pm. Patriotic music played in the background as the classes gathered, with each class holding a red or blue balloon. At 1:55 pm, Mr. Chilson explained to the students that they would be participating in a special moment with other children from all over the United States. Two o'clock was the selected time because, at that time, every child in the United States would be in their own school. Lauren Reed, a representative of the Student Council, said a few words on behalf of the Student Council, and led the children and staff in the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance. Immediately following, everyone began singing, "America." It was an experience that the children are sure to remember for some time to come! You can visit the Apalachin Elementary School Web site to see actual pictures from the event! http://oacds.org/schools/aes/news.htm