Apalachin Community Press, October 2001

Signs of the Times  .

 In the days and weeks after the September 11 attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, many residents and businesses displayed the American flag as a symbol of the pride we have in our nation, our people, and our beliefs; and as a symbol that our thoughts and prayers are with the victims, their friends, their families, and the brave and courageous men and women who responded to a call for help on that infamous day. 

 Many local businesses expressed these sentiments with signs. Here is a sample of signs seen in Broome, Tioga, and Susquehanna Counties:

  • God Bless America
 • God Bless the USA
 • Proud to be Americans
 • America United
 • Americans Stand Strong
 • Our Prayers are with You  
 • United We Stand
 • Let us all Pray for Our People
 • Our Thoughts are with Those in Need
 • One Nation under God Indivisible
 • Pray for the Victims (We are Strong)
 • Liberty and Justice for All, God Bless America
 • Pray for our Country and the Free World
 • Come Together in Strength, in Love, in America
 • Our Hearts Go Out to the Victims of the Attack on America