Apalachin Community Press, October 2001
US Flag
Annual Scott Smith & Son Inc Golf Tournament
Local Golfers Raise $5,736 for WTC Relief
Four short days after the unexpected, ungodly attack on our nation, Dean and Scotty Smith decided to proceed with their annual Scott Smith & Son Inc. Annual Golf Tournament. Twenty-nine foresomes of employees, suppliers, customers, and friends of Scott Smith & Son Inc. met for a shotgun start round of golf on a picture perfect morning at the Tioga Country Club. Very obvious signs of patriotism were evident with American flags displayed on golf bags, shirts, and flying from golf carts.

 The patriotism continued in the clubhouse where the Smiths decided to donate and then match all of the proceeds from the tournament to the  American Red Cross for disaster relief in New York City. This move was quickly duplicated by Gary Root of E.E. Root & Sons and Andy Cerretani of C&C Ready Mix. 

 The 50/50 raffle was the largest ever and was won by Gary Root who then immediately donated his share back to the cause. Skins wagers for the lowest scores on holes were all kicked back in. 

 The end result of the exponentially explosive  purse brought the total funds collected for the Red Cross to $5,736.00. The Smith family is currently attempting to find  corporate matching funds for the Red Cross Relief donation.