Apalachin Community Press, October 2001

Genealogy Course Offered

 "Genealogy and Family History," a four-week, non-credit class will be held at Broome Community College. The course is for the beginner with little genealogy experience, and the novice who wants to sharpen their research skills and data recording techniques. Focus is on getting started, basic research, and recording techniques, available records and how to find them, and presenting your data in a clear, understandable format. A field trip to a local research center is included in the class.

 The class will meet Monday nights, October 15 to November 5, from 6:30 to 9:30 pm. The instructor, Joe Titti, is a local research genealogist. Bring any information you already have on your family to the first class.

 Pre-registration is required, with a fee of $39. For more information, call the Center for Community Education at (607) 787-5012.