Apalachin Community Press, October 2001

Family Resource Center Calendar
228 Main Street, Owego (607) 687-1571
A program of Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tioga County

Dental Tips
October 16 - 10am
 Lucy Hiffner, Tioga County Health Department, brings video, display items, material, and free toothbrushes.

Firefighter Dave
October 12, 3:15 pm
 Dave Crance, Spencer Firefighter, will bring his firefighting gear to show the children.

Iron Kettle Farm Field Trip
October 22, 10:30 am
 A field trip for both Owego and Waverly families to see the pumpkin farm on Route 96 in Candor. Meet outside FRC at 10:00 am or at the Iron Kettle Farm at 10:20 am for a wagon ride (cost is $1.00 per person).  Rain date is October 24.

Raising Exceptional Children
October 25, 6 pm
 This support group meeting is for any parent who has a young child with special needs or receives services.

Pot Luck Supper
October 29, 5:30 pm
 Bring a dish to pass to this indoor picnic. FRC will provide the plates and silverware. Sign up at the FRC, listing the food item you will bring.

Mom's Group
October 29, 6:30 pm
 This hour is set aside for moms to get together and share the jobs and challenges of parenting. Children can play while moms take time to learn from each other.

Halloween Fun
October 30, 10 am
 Halloween fun, games, and snacks. Children may come in costume if they want. Be sure to sign up for this activity because space is limited. If enough people are interested, FRC will repeat the activities at 12:30 pm.