Apalachin Community Press, October 2001

At Our Apalachin Elementary School
by Don Davis
Your community representative from the Shared Planning & Steering Committee

•   Meet the Teachers Night
 Thursday, October 4 is Meet the Teachers Night. We will be serving food in the cafeteria. The menu is: hot dogs - $1.00, pizza - 50¢, chips - 25¢, and soda or water - 50¢. Join us for supper so you won't have to rush at home. There will be a Book Fair in the gym, and many nice pictures in the lobby. The most important thing is to meet the teacher. That's going to help your child learn more and more each day, and to make many new friends.
 Excuse our interior look because the construction is not 100% completed. See you there!
 Now, I would like to introduce our new principal at AES. Meet Mr. Dave Chilson.

•  From the Principal's Desk
 The staff of Apalachin Elementary School has had a wonderful start to the 2001-2002 school year! Your continued support is greatly appreciated as we work together to help your children continue to grow both academically and socially.
 Recently, the building Steering Committee met to discuss issues related to the safety and education of the children at AES. Some changes have been made to the traditional Fall Festival (October 31 celebration) for this school year. Because of student safety issues, building security, and construction issues, this year's Fall Celebration will only consist of individual classroom celebrations. We will not be having the traditional parade of costumes. Each classroom teacher will be responsible for planning any festivities that will take place on October 31, 2001, and determining if costumes will be worn in their classroom that day.
 In another security note, all parents are reminded that they must sign in at the Main Office immediately after entering the building. Parents picking up children at dismissal should continue to wait in the Main Lobby for their children to be called.
 Thank you for your support and understanding. When it comes to the safety of your children, we cannot be too safe.