Apalachin Community Press, October 2001

4-H Begins a New Year

 Tioga County 4-H'ers are preparing to embark on a new project year beginning October 1, 2001. As many 4-H'ers have discovered, 4-H Takes You Places. Whether the 4-H'er is learning to raise and care for animals which can lead to a career in agriculture or vet science, or, the 4-H'er is learning to sew which can lead to a career in the fashion industry, it can be a fun and exciting journey. With the leadership of skilled and caring adults, many 4-H youth will be preparing for their futures. Several of the more than 30 clubs in Tioga County are open to new members.

 This year, many 4-H'ers will work in the animal science programs that include beef, swine, sheep, goats, rabbits, poultry, horses, dogs, and dairy. The market animal project members will raise and prepare sheep, goats, swine, and beef for the Tioga County fair and the annual 4-H livestock sale.

 4-H is a unique, informal educational program that supplements training received in home, school, church, and other youth-serving agencies. Open to all youth five to 19 years of age, 4-H uses a real-life work experience where the individual sets his/her own goals for achievement.

 To learn more about 4-H in Tioga County, or how you can be involved in this valuable program, call the 4-H office at Cornell Cooperative Extension, Tioga County at 687-4020.