Apalachin Community Press, October 2001

Kentucky Quarter Completes 2001 Series

 The Kentucky quarter, the fifth and last quarter in the 2001 series of the 50 State Quarters Program, shows the stately mansion, Federal Hill, with an inscription that reads, "My Old Kentucky Home." A thoroughbred racehorse is positioned behind a fence in the foreground of the quarter.

 Kentucky was the first state on the western frontier to join the Union and is one of four states to call itself a "commonwealth." Kentucky is home of the longest running annual horse race in the country, the Kentucky Derby. The famous Kentucky Bluegrass country is also grazing ground for some of the world's finest racehorses. Also featured on the new quarter is another prominent symbol of Kentucky, Federal Hill, which has become known as "My Old Kentucky Home." The design shows a side view of the famous Bardstown home where Stephen Foster wrote the state song, "My Old Kentucky Home."
 The 50 State Quarters Program, which began in 1999, will issue five quarters each year. The quarters, which are released in the same order that the states joined the union, celebrate the states' unique history, traditions, and symbols. Quarters honoring New York State, North Carolina, Rhode Island, and Vermont were issued earlier this year.