Apalachin Community Press, March 2001

Park Terrace Nursery School Open House

Park Terrace Nursery School in Apalachin will have an Open House on Wednesday, March 7, from 6:30 to 7:30 pm, for parents and their 3- to 5-year-old children who are looking for a nursery school for the 2001-02 school year.

Children will have a chance to play in the sand, draw at the easels, check out the active room, and use the other facilities at the school. The staff and director of the school will be available for parents to speak with. Information and registration materials will be available.

The school is in the Park Terrace Community United Methodist Church at 30 Glann Road in Apalachin.

For more information, call Park Terrace Nursery School at 625-4134 during the day, or Laura Holbus, director of the school, at 625-4983 in the evening.