Apalachin Community Pres, December 2000
At the Apalachin Library

719 East Main Street, Apalachin, New York 13727 (607) 625-3333
Hours: Mon, Wed, and Fri 2-6 pm; Tues and Thurs 10am-1pm & 6:30-8:30pm

Santa Claus is Coming to Town
    December 9, Saturday, 10-11am
Santa Claus will arrive in a fire engine, courtesy of the Apalachin Fire Department. Everyone is invited to join the library, the fire department and the Apalachin Lions Club for cookies, punch, Christmas carols, and a chance to tell Santa your Christmas wishes. The Lions Club will be collecting toys for their Christmas baskets, too. Be sure to bring your camera and a small toy for the Lions.

Laura Ingalls Wilder Holiday Tales
    December 28, Thursday, 7 pm
Families are invited to hear Laura Ingalls Wilder Holiday Tales. Dressed in pioneer clothing, Lonna McKeon Pierce will share stories of the holidays from the Laura Ingalls Wilder books. Currently serving as storyteller-in-residence at Barnes and Noble, Ms. McKeon Pierce has enthralled children and their parents throughout the Southern Tier with ner recreation of Laura's life. This is a free program but space is limited. Please call the library (625-3333) by Tuesday, December 26, if you wish to attend.