Apalachin Community Press, December 2000

At Our Apalachin Elementary School

by Don Davis,
Your Community Representative of the Shared Planning & Decision Making Team

"Inside the Core"
We now have a school newspaper entitled "Inside the Core" under the direction of Mr. Brougham and Mrs. Reilly. It's amazing how much talent our students have and how willing and anxious they are to put it in print for everyone to read. Please take time to read "Inside the Core." I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

Sharing and Caring
Our November-December Cross Level Team has a great theme: Sharing and Caring. It couldn't come at a better time of the year as our principal explains in his article below. This year they're doing something great for the businesses in our community. I know that as a business owner in Apalachin myself, I look forward to new ideas from our school, and at AES there is always something new going on. Each year there is more involvement from everyone in our community, together with our school.

Our district can be proud of the students and staff at AES. In the very near future you're going to see some great changes at AES including the interior of the building and the grounds - thanks to the help from the district and our very active parents group.

Help Wanted at AES

The January-February Cross Level team needs reading partners to read with our students. It's called PARP, Parents as Reading Partners. If you can donate some time, please contact Mr. Kearney or Ms. Watson at the school at 625-2193. It doesn't pay a dime, but it sure will be very rewarding.

Merry Christmas to all from your friends at AES.