At Our Apalachin Elementary School
by Don Davis
Your Community Representative of the Shared Planning & Decision Making Team
 Heart of the Community

     What a great October at the Apalachin Elementary School (AES). The September-October Cross Level Team did an outstanding job with their theme of The Heart of the Community. Think about it, folks. Look around our close knit community, from Owego to Apalachin. The heart of our community is our Apalachin Elementary School.
     At Halloween, I was asked to lead the parade at school. I have to say that I never saw so many happy faces in all my 61 years of life. The children, the parents, the grandparents, the teachers, and all the AES staff - everyone had a great time. I asked 4th Grade teacher Mr. Lewis how many students were in his class and he said 45 or so. It depends on how excited the 20 or so kids get on Halloween Day. And that=s before the sugar sets in. Sometimes 20 students can become 45 or so in just a matter of time.
Successful Craft Fair & BBQ
     I want to congratulate Tracy Manning on the success of the 1st Annual Craft Fair and Chicken BBQ last month at AES. They did very well and the profits will help with the new playground.
Parents Group
     We have a very active Parents Group and you can be a member, without being asked. Contact the school or see me. They will be glad to have you on the team.
Don Davis Week
     As for me, thanks for the special tribute at the school for my years of service. I never had a Don Davis Week before. You got me this time!
Get involved with your school. It's fun!