From the Principal's Desk

Everyone returned from winter break excited, but still waiting for winter to arrive. Our anticipation has been satisfied with the recent snowfall and bitter temperatures. Students and staff alike, have been enjoying the snow when the temperatures allow us to go outside for recess. We will be taking every opportunity to have students enjoy the pleasures of winter. You may also wish to enjoy the sledding hill after school or on the weekend, as a family. We welcome you to give it a try.

Our Environmental Education Committee continues to meet and is starting to plan spring activities. We are looking for more involvement from our parents and community. If you have some time to share and have an interest in environmental and outdoor education, please consider joining the Committee. The next meeting is scheduled for February 9 at 3:30 pm in the AES conference room. Our special

guest will be the new Executive Director of the Waterman Conservation Center, Ms. Eileen Shatara. The meeting will last no more than one hour.

Parent Teacher Conferences are now upon us. This is a perfect time to share questions and information about our children. Parents are encouraged to plan on spending time prior to your conference talking with their child to get an idea of what topics are being covered in class. They are also encouraged to consider having their child be part of the conference.

Recently, we administered the Grade 4 English/Language Arts State Test. The staff and students worked hard getting ready for this event. Adults in the school have signed up to be "buddies" and "cheerleaders" for individual students, to encourage them to put forth their best effort.

Parents as Reading Partners is the major thrust of the January-February Cross Level team. Children are encouraged to read with a significant adult in their life on a regular basis. In addition, we have invited many adults from inside and outside the school to come in and read to individual children, small groups of children or to classes of children. This is an activity we encourage all year long. If you have a few extra minutes and would like to be a role model by reading to children, please call the office at 625-2193, and we will see that you have the opportunity.

Until next month...