Apalachin Community Press, February 2000

Interesting Web Sites

Volcano World
Volcano World started five years ago with a NASA grant. Two million people a year visit its 20,000 pages which provide scientific information in a fun environment . They recently started the "Interviews with Volcanologists" and "Volcano Adventures!" But the most popular page is "Currently Erupting Volcanos." A fun site for children and adults.

Panda Central at San Diego Zoo
Panda Central takes you to everything panda at the World-Famous San Diego Zoo: from panda facts to the amazing live Panda Cam where you can see the exhibit area of mama panda Bai Yun and her five-month-old cub, Hua Mei, the first North American giant panda birth in a decade.

High school Alumni
A reader named Chris wants to let everyone know about this Web site: "You can look up old friends from school. They have links for colleges, too. It's very cool and fun to use. I found people I hadn't seen in over 10 years and was able to see what they are doing these days. I then put my info in for my class and now people can contact me if they want to. It's something nice."