Apalachin Community Press, Dec 1999


The Gas Grinch

Kwanza! Hanukkah! Christmas! We are so privileged to have such a variety of cultures in our area, and to be able to celebrate this joyful season in beautiful and different ways. Most people look forward to sharing their abundance with those who are special to them, and benefitting those who may be in need during the holidays. Many cultures have legends of an antagonist who seeks to undermine the festivities and happiness of others during the holiday season. Whether this character has a heart that is ten times too small, or is wearing socks that are too tight, the antagonist goes about creating distress and sadness. The story usually ends when the trickster realizes that happiness comes from within, and the celebration is going to take place with or without all the material garnishes, and the bad character changes into a gentle, helpful being. The following is simply a holiday story that we hope will entertain:

Once upon a time, there was a quiet little village in upstate New York. For the most part, everyone genuinely loved and cared for each other, which is why it was so difficult to say good-bye when a neighbor had to look for employment in a distant city. A major highway ran through this town, and people from other states could find a place to get a bite to eat, a warm place to stay for the night, or simply to fill their gas tank, and drive on.

For some reason, businesses were closing, and good jobs were scarce. The farmers were having a very difficult time making ends meet because the summer had been dry, and the dairy prices were too low. To make matters worse, there was a Gas Grinch that had taken up residence at one of the gas stations near the highway. That Gas Grinch was so greedy that he raised the gas price almost ten whole cents per gallon higher than the other stations around it. People living near by were worried that those travelling through would think that all their businesses were over-priced, and not stop there at all, and everyone would suffer even more economic distress! But the Gas Grinch didn't even think of this! He just went on saying, "Ha! Ha! Ha! I will be richer than all of you!"

It was nearing the Season of Celebrations, and the Gas Grinch knew that more people would be travelling to visit loved ones. The Gas Grinch was over-joyed because he thought that he would be making lots and lots of money off these people, and off the friendly neighbors in his area. Little did he know, though, that each and every person had made a special celebration resolution to skip the station that the Gas Grinch lived at, go a little ways farther, and buy all their gas, snacks and necessities from their TRUE neighbors who realized that it was hard enough living in this area without having to get bitten by that mean ol' Gas Grinch.

Now, I would like to say that the Gas Grinch learned his lesson, became gentle and helpful, and really wanted everyone to celebrate their holiday without too much worry about finances by lowering his gas prices to fit the budget of the local people. I would also like to say that people travelling on the highway were attracted to this village because of the reasonable gas prices, and decided to have a warm dinner, and a cozy night's sleep with breakfast and a fill-up as well, but I cannot. The Gas Grinch still lives at the same station, and as far as I know, will live there for quite a time to come. Children, do not fear. There are other places to go for gas and snacks, and your parents know where they all are!

Happy Holidays to all, how ever you celebrate! Be careful about drinking and driving during this season, especially. Beware the Gas Grinch! And don't let him take a bite out of you!!