The y2k Time Bomb -

What Model Generator Did You Buy?

by Al Anderson (publisher of "The y2k Files")

In the middle of what looks to be a desert, stands a small, ranch style cabin with wire fence all around. A crude but navigable road leads up to the fence where a gate crosses that road. The gate is securely locked and wears several warning signs "Keep Out" or "Private Property" or the one I especially remember and found amusing; "Forget the DOG - Watch out for the OWNER" and next to the word OWNER there was the ominous barrel of a 38 special pointing at me. In the background you could here the low, steady drone of a gasoline generator.

So where did I see and hear this scene? Maybe the same place you did - on the CBS Evening News. You know what else?... We are going to see a lot more of these scenes in coming months - there's a lot more out there right now! Well, you might write the owners of this property off as extremists or as CBS referred to them, "doomsdayers." But, I'll tell you what... this owner is a professional computer programmer with a supportive family that sounds just as ordinary as you and me (well - me, anyway!).

Let me ask you a couple of questions, if you don''t mind. Do you carry fire insurance on your home? Uh-huh... do you expect your home to burn down anytime soon? OK. Do you carry life insurance or mortgage protection? Uh-huh... do you expect to die any time soon? OK (that's good - I'm glad you don't). So, what model gas generator did you buy? Uh-huh... you didn't. Does that mean you don't need any y2k insurance? You probably aren't raising any rabbits either? What about a food drier? Have you decided on which water purification device you will be getting yet? By the way, did you know that the manufacturers of these products can't keep up with demand and that there is a several week wait for delivery on some of them? Also you had better get all your cash cause that may be the only thing many of these companies will accept as payment before long. Yea, they will probably take gold bullion too.

Oh, so you think I might be exaggerating - just a little anyway. Well, you know, I really don't know what is going to happen. Personally, I think the truth always lies somewhere in between the extremes. On the one hand, I know people who "yawn" every time y2k or year 2000 comes up in conversation. On the other, there are people way beyond that computer programmer on CBS. Visit a couple of the forum links I put at the end of this article and you'll see for yourself. Many like the programmer consider themselves as "survivalists" and their idea is to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Now I ask you - Isn't that a good philosophy for life... Prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Count me in.... except for the generator.

Now, what do you suppose would motivate people like the programmer to displace their life from comfortable suburbia to go live with Gila monsters and sidewinders, eat rabbits and possibly shoot trespassers? Is it possible they know something we don't? And...if they do - What could it be?

Maybe they know these things:

Airplanes have a lot of embedded chips and computer functions - How many people do you think will be flying on 2000-01-01?

The US Treasury has already begun printing an extra 50 billion in currency to back up bank cash - It is estimated that if 8% of all depositors remove their cash from the banks, they will be empty. If one embedded chip or line of code that controls nuclear power plant maintenance schedules returns an incorrect date - It may shut down the entire plant.

Your mortgage banker may contact you with a notice that your mortgage is one hundred years overdue.

Your life insurance premium just quadrupled. Aunt Millie didn't get her social security check. Your employer just announced a problem with the payroll checks this week. But assures you that if it is not solved in a day or two, they will direct deposit the funds to your bank. (What bank?)

In an "Orwellian" announcement, The North American Air Defense System has unidentified flying objects (UFO's) all over their screens.

"Nothing" is working in Russia and nuclear technicians are standing outside their missile silos with binoculars - watching for incoming rockets!

The entire country of Japan is reported to be in chaos. No power, no water, no food and street gangs are controlling distribution of economic necessities.

Y2k extremists would point out that the above only represent the "tip of the y2k bug" while the "Ho-Hum"crowd fully anticipates enjoying a mighty celebration hangover on 2000-01-01. They will probably not be deterred from their celebration as it will fall on a Saturday and that will give them almost 2 days to prepare for the y2k showdown when business re-opens their doors on Monday.

So what are you and I to do anyway? You probably think I'm going to answer that rhetorical question. Forget it! You write to me and tell me what you think can or should be done. I'll put the best responses up on my website and possibly a Q&A column in this paper if the interest justifies it. Website address: Here are some links to sites and forums where you can get some more info:

http://www.touch-a-life. com/y2k/forums.html

Al Anderson is a computer consultant for Y2K EasyFix and Publisher of a free weekly e-zine, "The y2k Files."

Y2K EasyFix has one of the top selling Y2K compliance packages available as an E-Book for individuals and small businesses. More info:

or call: 800-671-2901