Mom's Wit
By Janet H. Brown

My heart aches for all the parents of the young men and women who are now part of the N.A.T.O. defense. Let us pray for our leaders to give them wisdom to remember our past.

Why is this happening? Why are men so cruel that they need to suppress and control one another. We - I am speaking about the human race - have become just a commodity. We no longer have a rightful place in life. But, that is not true. We all belong, we have every right to be here as well as the next person. You may not like it, those of you who are bitter or angry with life in particular.

My God gave me life. I am loved, for He gave His only son to die on the cross for my sins. But most importantly, He is alive. He rose from the dead. That is why we celebrate Easter. Let all of us fill our churches at Easter and get on our knees and pray that what is happening in a country far away won't happen to us here in America.