Mom's Wit By Janet H. Brown

My children have learned that in order to reap the benefits of mother's generosity there are certain chores that have to be done first. It seems that what I say to them goes in one ear and out the other.

My family and friends tell me that I am too lenient, a soft touch. A friend from work listens to my daily dilemma of how to impress upon my children that work is not something to be ashamed of, no matter how dirty it is. Taking the garbage or the recyclables to the end of the driveway isn't going to adversely affect their life. As a matter of fact it will enhance it.

Why do I say it will enhance it? It teaches my children to be responsible, to be do their chores without being told, and to use time management and prioritize.

Today I explained to my daughter that we would be leaving the house shortly with friends and that if she wasn't done with her chores by the time they called then she wasn't going to be able to go with us. I told her what was expected from her and she understood that before she ran out of the house to play.

As I write this, she is playing, and the phone call I am waiting for is from my friend from work. The same friend who, when she reads this, will shake her head at me and raise her arm and hand in the air, and while hitting her head, say, "Well, you did it again, didn't you? You let her come along and she still didn't finish her chores."

It hasn't happened yet. You see I'm writing this the day before it's due. Sometimes I do it a few hours before it's due, while the publisher and editor of the paper are frantically trying to find room for it. I have yet to learn to use time management well, but I do know how to prioritize. I'm Mom and who knows what will happen.That is the excitement of life, waiting to see the outcome of our labor.

Editor's Note: Janet's daughter did indeed do her chores before they went out for the day!