Car Keys
S. Colavito and your Friends at Premium Auto
At some time we have all complained about a price or service we had to deal with. Auto mechanics and repair shops are often the target of such complaints, and in some cases, rightfully so. But let us not overlook the other expenses and services that we deal with often, such as an average visit to the doctor. Let's compare the two.

Mechanics charge an average of $40-60 per hour.

Doctors can charge up to three times as much - or more.

Mechanics have to know how to fix hundreds of different models

Doctors only have 2 - male and female.

Mechanics don't ask you to come back in a week to recheck their work

Mechanics don't send you to the store with a prescription for oil.

Mechanics don't usually drive a Mercedes or a BMW.

A doctor wouldn't be caught dead in a Studebaker.

Most mechanics don't play golf, at least not on a work day.

Mechanics often give blood to their work for free.

Doctors take it and charge you.

Mechanics go to your car it if stops out on the road.

Doctors have you brought to them.

You can interrupt your mechanic when he is operating.

Mechanics have to work on dirty cars.

Doctors have to have their work prepped first.

Obviously, the two professions are in a league of their own, and the comparison is to make a point. Doctors are a business just like auto repair shops. Both require extensive training and skill. So, the next time your car has to have maintenance, be thankful your mechanic is always ready to serve you. And dollar for dollar - it's money well spent.

©1998 Apalachin Community Press