At Our Apalachin Elementary School
by Don Davis - Your Community Representative
of the Shared Planning and Decision Making Team

Cabaret/Art Show

The Music and Art Departments will present a Cabaret/Art Show on Friday, February 26, at the Apalachin Elementary School. There will be two shows - 5:00 and 7:00 pm. Seating is reserved. Coffee and cookies will be served. Don't miss it!From the Principal's Desk

With a start on the 4th of the month, a holiday and two snow days, the month of January has "melted away" very quickly. We have been able to work in our reading Partners Theme and have had a storyteller for the younger children and an assembly on Aesop's Fables for the older children. The children have heard a "book talk" given by fellow students over the loud speaker almost every day we've been in session.

The month has been challenging for our 4th Grade students in that they took the new English/Language Arts Tests. They worked hard preparing for them and tried their best on the tests. Each child in Grad 4 had a "buddy" to encourage them as they readied themselves for the tests. The staff member (buddy) did something to make the student fee special in some way. The Grad 4 Teachers felt this was well received by the students. The result of the tests will be available later in the spring.

Parent/Teacher Conferences are coming up soon. We are asking parents/guardians to join us as we gain greater insight about our children.

When visiting the school, please stop in the office and sign in This request is made so we can provide a safe environment for the children.

Second semester began on Friday, January 29.Sign Language Classes

My wife, Lynne, would like to share her experience of sitting in on the afterschool sign language classes at AES:

School Doesn't Stop When the Bell Rings

By Lynne Davis (The Butcher's Wife)

Here's one after-school program to prove this fact! After only four weeks of being an observer (and oldest student) in the Wednesday after school sign language class, I have nothing but praise for the teachers and students. This class was conceived by Kindergarten teacher Miss Guilfoyle and aide Mrs. Hynes. Mrs Hynes, who went to BCC for sign language, preceded to teach Miss Guilfoyle and in turn they taught sign language to her class. They received such good response from the students and parents that they went to principal Mr. Motsko seeking an after school sign language class. Mr. Motsko gave them the green light.

Flyers were sent to students in Kindergarten through Grade 2. The response was so overwhelming, they decided to have two classes - Tuesday and Wednesday. They still did not have enough room for all students who signed up. They apologize to these students and parents.

As an observer, I noticed how much these two teachers communicate with each child and how they make each child feel very special. All of the children have been so well behaved. They have learned the alphabet, numbers, colors, names, days, months, and so many more words and phrases in such a short time. How easily they have learned to communicate with each other without making a sound! It's been a lot harder for this old observer!

The learning has been challenging, but Miss Guilfoyle and Mrs. Hynes have made it fun and so very interesting! One day, the children were told to line up according to age, starting at five and up, using only sign language. After lining up, they called out their age, starting with youngest. "Five." "Six." "Seven." "Eight....." Then the very last "student" called out 59. We were all lined up according to age, a big cheer came from all the children, "We did it!" Even that last one in line clapped (guess who that was?).

They have given these children so much confidence! They have given them love and understanding of others different from themselves.

As a grandparent, I say thank you to these two fine teachers. We're so lucky to have them in our school system. They both deserve a pair of angel wings (halos included) from your students and one old person - We love you and wish sign language class could go on and on and on...... THANKS!

Thanks to my wife, Lynne, for sharing this story with us. As the old saying goes, you're never too old to learn. In the very near future, we both will be using sign language to communicate with one of our own. Thanks to Amy and Carol, Lynne will be able to help me. What she can't teach me, our granddaughter Alexis will be there to help because she is one of those 50 young students whom Amy and Carol have taught so well.

As Carol Hynes said to me, sign language is like learning a foreign language and the younger you start, the easier it is to learn. These children have learned to sign their name, number - through 20, age by numbers, color, home addresses, school work, and much, much more. Just tonight, Alexis came in the store with Lynne and told me a story without speaking a word, just signing. I can't believe the hands and fingers can tell you so much!