Car Keys
S. Colavito and your Friends at Premium Auto

The chance of a snow storm increases every day. To be prepared for winter weather, check your car for the following:

• Be sure your antifreeze is good for 25 or 30 degrees below freezing. Allow your car to warm up before you take off. Most engine wear occurs on initial start-up.

• Winter wiper blades are available. They are designed to keep snow and ice from building up on the blade. Also, be sure that your windshield washer fluid is filled regularly.

• If you do not use snow tires, your all season tires should have a deep tread.

• Tune your car for the cold weather. Battery service is important. Fill battery with water, IF REQUIRED. Clean the terminals. Check belts and hoses for wear. Hoses tend to get stiff and brittle with age.

These are preventive measures that will help you through the cold weather. In case you do get stuck, the following may be helpful to have in your trunk, and may save you a towing charge if the need arises.

• Carry a bag or large container of sand. This will add traction to your rear tires as well as giving you grit to sprinkle around tires that are slipping on ice or snow.

• Keep a large candle in a tin can, along with some matches in a zip lock bag. The warmth of a flame has saved people from freezing to death.

• Pack a warm blanket to wrap yourself and your passengers in.

• Old boots, knit caps and mittens aren't hard to find at garage sales, and would be invaluable if you needed to hike for help.

• Remember the granola or chocolate bars. Wrap them well, and they will be ready to deliver lots of energy and a little fun to the situation.

By taking a little time and putting in a little effort, you'll be more secure in your travels, whatever the weather may bring.

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