Mom's Wit
By Janet H. Brown

Go ahead, I dare you to take a look at the calendar. That's right, the month is now April and we had to set our clocks one hour ahead, and that means spring has begun. Today as I look outside it is cloudy, overcast, and the clouds threaten to rain, not to mention that it is only 49 degrees F. I'm not discouraged in the least because today is the first day of softball practice.

Soon boys and girls from different leagues all over the country will be playing ball, softball for the girls and baseball for the boys. This means for most parents a commitment to our child or children, taking them to the practices and the games. We freeze in the cold, get wet in the rain, and perspire and get sunburned when the sun is too hot. But we're seasoned parents and we are prepared. In the trunk of our cars you will find umbrellas, a blanket, extra clothing, lawn chairs, sun screen, insect repellant, and a few choice items from home. Some of those items may still be hidden in the trunk, such as the water bottle or the plastic screw top and straw. I know I had bought extra water bottles in different colors, but the top and the heavy plastic straw are missing from one. That extra blanket will soon be thrown back into the trunk along with everything else as the weather permits.

I am anxious for summer to begin, to hear the polite conversation of friends and the cheering of the players as their teammate goes up to the diamond and hits the ball. I'll see you at the softball field, could be in winter clothing, rain gear, or summer attire, but I'll be there. "Play Ball."

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